Pat Yib

Pat Yib


Back Squat: 515#, Front Squat: 435#, Snatch: 315#, Clean & Jerk: 355#, Push Jerk: 375#, Thruster: 295#


Crossfit Level 2 Certification

About Coach

I have learned in life that you take each and every day one at a time, never give up on your goals and keep working towards that.

Turning Point

My turning point that forced me to decide who I am and what I am capable of is working on my weaknesses and accepting that I have flaws as a person. I would avoid my weaknesses and flaws like the plague and run at the first sight when I was younger. Such examples would be double-unders, handstand push-ups, and self esteem (harsh criticisms on myself when I don't think I'm doing good enough).

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to make each individual feel more motivated and have self confidence in any movement they struggle with. I love coaching and being a part of the community, we each have our own goals individually - and when you put all those goals together, it is inspiring to see those goals as a community and having the part to work for those goals.

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